netsol: not processing requests?

Anyone out there notice a slow down or lack of processing requests
at netsol (ie verisign, whatever their name is now)?

We did some maintenance yesterday and only received 2 of the
"do you agree with this change" emails. Yet we received all the
"we have received your request" emails for all changes.

Changes that we approved we never got the "your change has been
completed" emails and yet we did the maintenace around 1-3pm EDT

Anyone will similar experience out there?

Anyone out there notice a slow down or lack of processing requests
at netsol (ie verisign, whatever their name is now)?

Yep.. So figuring there was a problem, I kept resending the requests
(email host modification forms) because I was not even getting the
'we have received your message' emails. Then, Monday AM
(I sent emails Friday, Saturday and Sunday), the floodgates opened
and I got it all at once. I have not looked behind the curtain,
but I get the impression very little is actually automated and the
hamsters in cages are tired.


I sent them a couple of host registration requests several weeks ago,
and have not heard back from them. I got the 'host registration
received' message including a ticket number and all that, but nothing

I did my business with another registrar, eventually.

Greetz, Peter

Has anyone EVER successfully received a "host report" (i.e. nameserver
report showing all domains hosted on it) from them?

I tried years ago following their stated procedures with no luck. I tried
again three weeks ago. Got an ACK to my contact address indicating 1-2
business day turnaround for it. I've followed-up once per week asking nicely
"when might this be available?". I've yet to receive anything other than
auto-acks. Doesn't seem to matter whether I e-mail or use their web form,
all routes apparently lead to Null0.


Has anyone EVER successfully received a "host report" (i.e. nameserver

    > report showing all domains hosted on it) from them?
    > I tried years ago following their stated procedures with no luck.

We've done it three times over perhaps the last eighteen months, and never
had any difficulty.



I used to be able to get them fine. However, since about a year ago
I've not been able to get them at all for any of the contact handles
that I've got anything to do with.

The only person I spoke to at NetSol denied that they ever existed.

What's your secret Bill?

I just presumed they'd broken it for everyone.


Has anyone EVER successfully received a "host report" (i.e. nameserver
report showing all domains hosted on it) from them?

Yep. Couple of times. Even had them do global updates successfully.

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Anyone out there notice a slow down or lack of processing requests
> at netsol (ie verisign, whatever their name is now)?

Yes, I noticed that about two years ago. I fixed it by moving all my

- ---
Quantum Mechanics: the dreams stuff is made of

I sent them a couple of host registration requests several weeks ago,
and have not heard back from them. I got the 'host registration
received' message including a ticket number and all that, but nothing

I had multiple attempts at sending in a PGP-authenticated DELETE HOST
fail (the reply mail says there is an error in the template, but
fails to indicate what is wrong exactly, and it does look good to me.
Their parser however seems to strip out the 0c. Auth Data content
when replying, but I think it does that to protect CRYPT-PW submissions
etc.) The only indication they add is a 'hreg4' in their reply mail,
whatever that means.

I did my business with another registrar, eventually.

I guess I will have to too, sigh

yup, we get them done every 2 months. i call and if the person i'm
speaking to doesn't understand what i'm talking about, i hang up and
try to get another support person. the clue level varies widely on
the other end of their 800 number.

nevertheless, as soon as i can manage it, we are going to stop using
netsol anyway. i just need the time to fully investigate my choice (a
local opensrs reseller,) and train my staff on how to deal with a new
registrar, update policies, etc.

deeann m.m. mikula

director of operations
telerama public access internet

deeann mikula <> writes:

I just processed three contact changes via the email process - worked just

Miles Fidelman <> writes: