net-op: traffic loads as the result of patching

So, maybe an operational question.

What are people seeing as far as network traffic loads due to WMF patching
activity, e.g. auto-update and manual downloads? Microsoft has used
several CDNs in addition to its own servers to distribute the load
in the past.

Sean Donelan wrote:

So, maybe an operational question.

What are people seeing as far as network traffic loads due to WMF patching
activity, e.g. auto-update and manual downloads? Microsoft has used
several CDNs in addition to its own servers to distribute the load
in the past.

Most organizations use from one to quite a few of their own distribution points. It would be interesting to know what the stats are at broadband providers... Although proxying may make the results a bit "nicer" in some places.


Sean Donelan wrote:

So, maybe an operational question.

What are people seeing as far as network traffic loads due to WMF patching
activity, e.g. auto-update and manual downloads? Microsoft has used
several CDNs in addition to its own servers to distribute the load
in the past.

WSUS servers are being pounded right now. Usually 5 to 7% CPU now 72%

Elijah Savage wrote:

Sean Donelan wrote:

So, maybe an operational question.

What are people seeing as far as network traffic loads due to WMF patching
activity, e.g. auto-update and manual downloads? Microsoft has used
several CDNs in addition to its own servers to distribute the load
in the past.

WSUS servers are being pounded right now. Usually 5 to 7% CPU now 72%

On usual Black Tuesdays though, there is quite a rush as well. Thing is this patch is alone while then there are a few. I believe it might even itself out in statistics.


Hash: SHA1

hmm..I thought (correct me if I wrong) wsus followed a mirror
(distributed) model say if a group of servers were pegged the update
process would provide remote clients access to the closet and min
latency host(s) in order to distribute the load prevent bandwidth


Elijah Savage wrote:

Vicky R�de wrote:

Hash: SHA1

hmm..I thought (correct me if I wrong) wsus followed a mirror
(distributed) model say if a group of servers were pegged the update
process would provide remote clients access to the closet and min
latency host(s) in order to distribute the load prevent bandwidth


Elijah Savage wrote:

Sean Donelan wrote:

So, maybe an operational question.

What are people seeing as far as network traffic loads due to WMF patching
activity, e.g. auto-update and manual downloads? Microsoft has used
several CDNs in addition to its own servers to distribute the load
in the past.

WSUS servers are being pounded right now. Usually 5 to 7% CPU now 72%

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You are correct and with BITS2.0 or really any version of BITS which any updated system should have BITS2.0 it will use only the available bandwidth given. So say you are using 70% of your bandwidth, BITS on XP will only use the other 30%. So Bandwidth should not be an issue, but what I have noticed with WSUS is multiple clients connecting to the server will drive cpu utilization up only in peak form though like on initial connection. For us this is one service that was not built redundant because if for some reason like maintenance and our server is down the clients will then failover to Micro$ofts servers to get them directly.