NERC summer 2003 power predictions

From North American Electric Reliability Council May 2003 Reliability

Summer Assessment

Assessment Summary

Generating resources are expected to be adequate to meet projected demand
for electricity in North America this summer. However, there are some
areas of concern in NPCC: southwestern Connecticut, New York City and
Long Island. Locally tight resources compounded by transmission
limitations into and within those areas make them particularly susceptible
to reliability problems that can be caused if there is lower than
expected generating unit availability, or high demand caused by extreme

Even in areas where resources are expected to be adequate, unanticipated
equipment problems and extreme weather can combine to produce situations
in which demands temporarily exceed available generation and transmission

we could try to match the power grid's reliability by router knobs
which watched output queue length, and when it got too long the
router would power down and require a manual restart.


Seems they already thought of this - cisco did this in the recent vuln.!