Need multipe 10Gs at 111 8th ave in under 30 days

Site doing between 4G/sec and 27G/sec out of 111 8th Ave and another
90-120G/sec via CDNs is looking to change distribution of its traffic by
taking more traffic off CDNs

Looking for the following:

- Handoffs - 10G (multiple 10G preferred) in TelX or Internap at 111 8th per
- Good european connectivity
- BGP with communities
- Low CIR + low
- IPv6 capability over the same path preferred but not required
- Quick turn up

Spam me.


U u 5

Wow a 'spam me' request haha

I referred Chris I to a contact, Jeff Flam, I've known forever that might be able to help you get good pricing from several carriers. Looks like ur solution needs a several carriers.

Maybe Chris can chime if he found Jeff helpful

Let me know if u want the contact info
