need help about bgd and ospf

Hi all

Can I have questions about bgp and ospf

1/ Do I have to redistrt bgd in ospf to make ospf to know which
upstrem bgp routers to go out

2/ If yes, how many routes can ospf database handle as one full bgp
table is about 400,000 routes

3/ When we have 8 ospf routers to run "redistrubt bgp", ls it 8 x
400,000 routes in ospf database?

4/ If not redistribted bgp, how ospf to know which upstream to go out

Thank you for your help

Nope, run iBGP, have only next-hops in OSPF.


Hi Deric,

I would strongly suggest that you watch a couple of the NANOG tutorials on routing. The would help you answer these and other questions.

Go to this page - - pick a meeting and find the BGP tutorial. There are a few taught each year.


Hi Deric,

1/ Do I have to redistrt bgd in ospf to make ospf to know which
upstrem bgp routers to go out

Just an addition to what the others have already said. Redistributing
BGP into OSPF is rarely an effective thing to do. Am not sure OSPF can
handle that number of routes well.

2/ If yes, how many routes can ospf database handle as one full bgp
table is about 400,000 routes

3/ When we have 8 ospf routers to run "redistrubt bgp", ls it 8 x
400,000 routes in ospf database?

I'd think so, as each of the 8 routers will generate type 5 LSAs for
their 400k routes from BGP.

4/ If not redistribted bgp, how ospf to know which upstream to go out

More important question is why do u want OSPF to know that
information? Is it the right protocol to do that?