NANOG33 PGP Key Signing

When you check in for NANOG33, there will be colored stickers
available for your name tag that indicate if you have an interest in
signing PGP keys. If people keep trying to peer with you, you've picked
the wrong color sticker and should go back.

  We are meeting at 9:00pm on Monday in the Flamengo Boardroom for
the key signing. Those of you that wish to participate, please email an
ASCII extract of your public key to by noon on Monday,
January 31st. Please include 'NANOG PGP KEY' in the subject, and if
possible, don't send your key as a MIME attachment. I realize that some
MUAs make this difficult, and I will attempt to fix any MIME-attached keys.
Instructions for extracting your key to an ASCII file are below.

  After 5pm on the 31st, a complete key ring with all of the
submitted keys will be available at: in binary form, and as
an ASCII file at

  Handouts with the details of each key submitted will be provided.
All you should bring with you is:

  * Photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc. Consider bringing 2)
  * Your key ID, and it's corresponding hexadecimal fingerprint
  * A pen

  Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Vegas!


How to extract your public key: