NANOG25 - MRTG Stats for Hotel Network

A NANOG25 Info Message:

For those interested in the amount of bandwidth used at NANOG25.
Utilization of the Hotel Router can be viewed at:

ATM 2/0 is the OC-3c that connects the Hotel to the outside world.


I see the beer rany dry about 0015? Bummer :slight_smile:

Randy, please talk with me before posting any more messages.

I appreciate that this was a mis-post, but it does raise the question
of whether the NANOG list is an open forum or not...

If the issue is with meeting messages being on the main NANOG list, can
I suggest setting up a seperate mailing list for NANOG meeting attendees,
where non-operational content can be posted?

ATM 2/0 is the OC-3c that connects the Hotel to the outside world.


any idea why the flat 750k? multicast beacon?


Dear Randy;

They are indeed sourcing a NLANR multicast beacon from - their connectivity looks very good. The 750k seems to
be all inbound beacon traffic. They are not sourcing outbound video yet.

As for why the NLANR beacon
takes 750 K, ask Bill Nickless. Each beacon sends 10 packets
per second and, with 127 beacons now participating, it adds up.
IMHO a rate of 1 packet per second would be sufficient, and would
cut the beacon traffic down to a reasonable size.

Marshall Eubanks

Simon Lockhart wrote:

> Randy, please talk with me before posting any more messages.

I appreciate that this was a mis-post, but it does raise the question
of whether the NANOG list is an open forum or not...

Considering the LARGE number of messages that are posted here that are
truly non-operational (such as whether certain people have connectivity on
their DSL line), I suspect that Susan was far more concerned with the
slashdot effect of a bazillion people going to look at the bandwidth link
(for the hotel router) that Randy had posted.

I think you are reading too much into the original post.

If the issue is with meeting messages being on the main NANOG list, can
I suggest setting up a seperate mailing list for NANOG meeting attendees,
where non-operational content can be posted?

I hope not. I imagine that one of the niceties for those not attending is
listening in on the exchanges. At least someone's having a good time.

Something would be better than nothing. The meeting bater does
hold some value.

That was indeed the issue, and a separate list is a great idea. Thanks