NANOG Updates - Important

Thank you for your patience as we moved forward with our NANOG transition.

We are excited to announce the opening of NANOG 53 registration. You will
notice a new format and the need to create a user id and password to
complete your registration. We are confident you will find the new system
very intuitive and helpful as we continue to move forward. As always,
there are opportunities to improve. Feel free to send any questions,
suggestions, or concerns to

With respect to NANOG list services. The NANOG Board has decided not to
move forward with the mail list and archive transition from Mailman to ARO
at this time. For the time being we are operating on our existing
hardware in Ann Arbor, MI. We will however, be preparing for a move to an
alternate site. As we confirm further details we will be sure to send
them along to you. Again, if you have any questions, suggestions, or
concerns please send them to


Michael K. Smith