[NANOG] Routing table for BGP


I would like to know what route should i accept from internet full or
if Partial then what routes should i accept? and how many route does my
router have if i will go for Partial routing table?

actually I am trying to understand it by concept... my organization is small
but I want to know if it is large organization or small provider then what
kind of routes do i need in my routing table?

Devang Patel

devang patel wrote:


I would like to know what route should i accept from internet full or
if Partial then what routes should i accept? and how many route does my
router have if i will go for Partial routing table?

actually I am trying to understand it by concept... my organization is small
but I want to know if it is large organization or small provider then what
kind of routes do i need in my routing table?

Devang Patel

For small companies, I advise asking for "customer" routes. These are people directly connected to the upstream. Other than that, the default suffices.


Your questions depend on several details specific to your organization, which you haven't really devulged.

There are several decent books on the subject which I recommend that you invest in.
see: *
ISBN-10:* 0321127005
*ISBN-10:* 0596002548

http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/bgp/chapter/ch06.html -- this is a chapter from the second book which should wet your appetite a bit.


devang patel wrote:

The nice thing about NANOG is that we have YEARS of on-line Video training
to help you get up to speed.

1. Go to http://www.nanog.org/subjects.html (Index of Talks)

2. Look for materials on BGP.

3. Have fun learning from the best.

My suggestion would be to watch last NANOG's BGP Tutorial. The nice thing
about this is that you can E-mail the speaker to get clarifications.

TO NANOG Community - We should really be pointed these FAQs to the
resources/tools we've invested in building. I don't know whose idea it was
to VOD everything, but it is an vast untapped store house of knowledge.

I think there is a nanog-wiki that Lynda was poking at last even??
Maybe making sure there's a searchable form thingy there for the VOD


hello All,

Yeah NANOG knowledge base is really great...
thanks to all of you for your help...

Devang Patel