[nanog] Re: "Packet Shapers"

> 5) Topflows: In RMON there is the concept of Top 10. When the network
> slows down, you want the ability to see a list of the Top n users
> consuming bandwidth in the past 1 minute/10 minutes/hour. Packeteer
> does not have that capability.

Packeteer has a "TopTalkers" and "Top Listeners" table for I believe the
last 5-minutes, and graphs can be generated on the fly for the past hour.

That is correct, but from what I understood from their tech sales, you
can't have TopTalkers and Top Listeners on *all* the bandwidth, but only
on a per policy filter (i.e. if a pipe is defined for all port 80 you will
see all the top www'ers but you won't see the top ftp'ers or the top GREs
as well).

Hank Nussbacher