
We are aware of trouble with the NANOG website. The NANOG geeks have been dispatched to work on the trouble. Please be patient if you are trying to view the site.

Andrew Koch
on behalf of the NANOG Communications Committee

The NANOG web site will be offline starting at 12:15 Pacific time for
hardware maintenance. We expect the outage to last at least 10 minutes
but no longer than 45 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.

A second maintenance will be happening at 15:30 PDT to work on the
existing server problems. The website will be restored as quickly as
possible. Thanks for your understanding..

We believe the server is now at a stable point and all functions of the
NANOG website and mailing list are restored.

For those interested, we would like to share some details of this event.
It was noticed a couple weeks ago that a lack of memory conditon was
present on the NANOG servers in Chicago. Temporary measures were taken
to clear processes and restart the server, but this only temporarialy
restored the server.

Working with onsite personel to upgrade the server with additional
memory failed during the first announced maintenance. Compatible memory
was located and tested leading to the second maintenance when it was
successfully installed.

At this time we have increased the memory on the server and are at a
stable point.

NANOG is making plans to move the NANOG web and mail services off this
platform to an environment that is more capable. We will inform the
community of any maintenance plans as we move forward.

Thank you for your understanding.

Andrew Koch
on behalf of the NANOG Communications Committee

How primative. When i want more memory I just log into the provider's
web console and tell it I want more geebees.


Perhaps you'd like to donate geebees to a nonprofit?

For those interested, we would like to share some details of this event.

It was noticed a couple weeks ago that a lack of memory conditon was
present on the NANOG servers in Chicago. Temporary measures were taken
to clear processes and restart the server, but this only temporarialy
restored the server.

Working with onsite personel to upgrade the server with additional
memory failed during the first announced maintenance. Compatible memory
was located and tested leading to the second maintenance when it was
successfully installed.

At this time we have increased the memory on the server and are at a
stable point.

If the file from the presentation about NSA spying is removed from the
server, it's possible it suddenly starts to be stable again.



We believe the server is now at a stable point and all functions of the

"We hope that the"

NANOG website and mailing list are restored.

For those interested, we would like to share some details of this event.
It was noticed a couple weeks ago that a lack of memory conditon[sic] was
present on the NANOG servers in Chicago. Temporary measures were taken
to clear processes and restart the server, but this only temporarialy
restored the server.

"Server swapped itself to death. We power cycled that bad boy"

Working with onsite personel[sic] to upgrade the server with additional
memory failed during the first announced maintenance. Compatible memory
was located and tested leading to the second maintenance when it was
successfully installed.

"Added more ramz but only after remote hands wikipedia'd the right ram for
our vps"

At this time we have increased the memory on the server and are at a
stable point.

"Seems to work now we think"

NANOG is making plans to move the NANOG web and mail services off this

platform to an environment that is more capable. We will inform the
community of any maintenance plans as we move forward.

"$1/mo hosting aint cutting it anymore; NANOG fees now +$99/attendee/event"

Thank you for your understanding.

"closing ticket"

Andrew Koch
on behalf of the NANOG Communications Committee

"Got the short straw"

What happened to MERIT, A2 and the big tens rocking the mic fantastic?


For those interested, we would like to share some details of this event.
It was noticed a couple weeks ago that a lack of memory conditon was
present on the NANOG servers in Chicago. Temporary measures were taken
to clear processes and restart the server, but this only temporarialy
restored the server.

Working with onsite personel to upgrade the server with additional
memory failed during the first announced maintenance. Compatible memory
was located and tested leading to the second maintenance when it was
successfully installed.

At this time we have increased the memory on the server and are at a
stable point.

thank you for a simple, clear, and prompt post mortem. my only
remaining curiosity is what was the original ram size and what is it
