NANOG on Trial

Recently my personal system has been attacked by
someone from the IRC
channel #nanog on EFNet. This along with multiple
instances of
showing/providing pornography to minors as well as
defamation of
character/slander as well as numerous other civil and
criminal items
have really plagued my past 3 months. I think it's
time to look into
fighting back.

Other than to warn others of the pending danger of
dealing with the
immature people found within that channel, I would
love to know what all
legal recourse I have in this matter. I have a lawyer
but I am not quite
ready to sue.

I fully expect to get flamed by this, of course. Yet I
also expect most
of those who flame me to be from Nanog. I don't care
how you play the
game, but if you try to play me you can burn in hell.
Strong words from
a person who isn't going to take it anymore.

- Nick Catalano
  n>Catalano Ventures :: The Next Generation is Coming

Rrrrr, leave this along will you... Nick is 14 years old and his word
can't be believed that much (see archives on that same isp-colo).
To me his post was no more then a bad joke...

Ahh come on Will, he's gotta be at least 15 by now. :wink:

-Jim P.

Recently my personal system has been attacked by someone from the IRC
channel #nanog on EFNet. This along with multiple instances of
showing/providing pornography to minors as well as defamation of
character/slander as well as numerous other civil and criminal items
have really plagued my past 3 months. I think it's time to look into
fighting back.

Other than to warn others of the pending danger of dealing with the
immature people found within that channel, I would love to know what all
legal recourse I have in this matter. I have a lawyer but I am not quite
ready to sue.

Why Nick Catalano was banned from #nanog:

<NickCatal> dgold: Dsl works via ATM, thats layer3

<NickCatal> it's layer4 in the way that it uses POS instead of ATM standard..

<NickCatal> FDDI can only support up to, maby, T1 speed..

<NickCatal> t1 = 1464kbps..

<NickCatal> I always thought FDDI was frame relay..

<NickCatal> OC-192 over POIP is as dumb as you get it..

<NickCatal> if this business works out.. the first thing I am doing is
having my engineers give me some way of making a layer 4 nap.. even if
it's pure bullshit.. and then I am presening it @ Nanog

<gavroche> DS3 IS NOT FIBER || <NickCatal> gavroche: of course it is..

<NickCatal> UUNet has the world's worst designed network

<NickCatal> I go on the UUNet backbone, and I'm like.. where's the core!?

<NickCatal> I think we can make money offering gig-e at the cost of a T1

<NickCatal> naa.. my job in the new company is to make ideas and provide a
public face to the company.. a 14 year old selling enterprise hosting
looks good on Leno

<NickCatal> Cogent and InterNAP can be mixed and merged.. Cogent didn't
fail. Cogent has almost no expenses. it costs next to nothing to be
Cogent.. <NickCatal> they own their network.. they own their equipment..
they don't pay for it.. there are no leased lines.. <NickCatal> they most
likely don't pay for transit..

<NickCatal> I am about to call my lawyer about this and file lawsuits
against 95% of the #nanog room to find out who has taken advantage of my

<NickCatal> ...also with logs of everything said in #nanog I have over 50
cases of showing pornography to a minor..

'nuf said...

Will someone from Road Runner please contact me? You have a customer that is
spamming and using my email address for the return address. I'm getting thousands
of MAILER-DAEMON bounce messages per day.



<NickCatal> I think we can make money offering gig-e at the cost of a T1

I'll take two :slight_smile:


<NickCatal> naa.. my job in the new company is to make ideas and provide a
public face to the company.. a 14 year old selling enterprise hosting
looks good on Leno

Come on now, he's one of those 14 year old wonder kids that will change
the way we think of the Internet, go Generation "Y"

<end sarcasm>


Gotta admit it's an unusual choice for a "public face" though.

Hello Conrad,

Monday, April 8, 2002, 2:55:01 PM, you wrote:

<NickCatal> naa.. my job in the new company is to make ideas and provide a
public face to the company.. a 14 year old selling enterprise hosting
looks good on Leno

Come on now, he's one of those 14 year old wonder kids that will change
the way we think of the Internet, go Generation "Y"

It's generation "K-12":

but to make this more OT, here are my woes of the moment:



Oh thats GOOD......

But... but... I've actually visited UUNET's NOC and seen kids that age
working at the consoles. :wink:



Cutting School to be Online.


Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:26:18 -0400
From: Richard A Steenbergen <>

(extensive snipping)

<NickCatal> FDDI can only support up to, maby, T1 speed..
<NickCatal> t1 = 1464kbps..
<NickCatal> I always thought FDDI was frame relay..

Oh... my... goodness... these almost make my experiences dealing
with <provider names censored to protect the guilty> seem

'nuf said...

Now, Richard... you could have been more helpful... and told him
how to get free bandwidth by using wireless to connect to a NAP,
thus making a Tier 1 backbone.


Personally, I think that having a kitten sell enterprise
connectivity would be much more cool...