NANOG Nomination Dates


I would like to remind everyone about some important dates that are coming up:

  * September 12, 2011 begins the nomination process for Program Committee Candidates.
  * September 13, 2011 the nomination process for the Board closes.

As a reminder, the Program Committee is a group of sixteen individuals from the NANOG community who together are responsible for the solicitation and selection of material for NANOG meeting programs.

Per the NewNOG bylaws, eligible candidates each will serve a two-year term. To be eligible to be appointed as a member of the Program Committee, an individual must have attended one NANOG conference within the prior calendar year (12 months) and be a member in good standing. Broad technical knowledge of Internet operations and familiarity with NANOG meetings are useful attributes. Having constructive opinions and ideas about how NANOG meetings might be improved is of high value. A willingness to recruit presentations for each meeting is required.

Please send nominations to If you are nominating another person, please provide that person's name and email address. If you are nominating yourself, please provide a Statement of Intent and a Biography, each with a suggested limit of 150 words. For samples, please see the 2010 candidate lists, <>.

As always, if you have a questions, please email

Thank you for your support, and your participation in the community.