NANOG Meeting

Will the Root Name Server Confederations be
discussed at the upcoming NANOG meeting
where Michael Dillon is giving an ISP tutorial ?


"Merit is pleased to announce a tutorial titled "Review of Internet
Resources for ISPs," scheduled from 7:30-9:00 p.m. on
Wednesday evening, June 4, the evening before NANOG. To
be presented by Michael Dillon, a well-known systems integrator
and ISP consultant, the session will cover IP address allocation
issues, with information targetted especially for providers who
are applying for their first IP address allocation from ARIN/the


X->Will the Root Name Server Confederations be
X->discussed at the upcoming NANOG meeting
X->where Michael Dillon is giving an ISP tutorial ?

  Only if you come Jim. :slight_smile:


Will the Root Name Server Confederations be
   discussed at the upcoming NANOG meeting
   where Michael Dillon is giving an ISP tutorial ?


The tutorial is called "Review of Internet Resources for ISPs", not
"Amusing Diversions and Distractions on the Internet".
