NANOG Internet predictions for 2010

On this slower-than-normal day I was cleaning up my office and found this
article from 2006 making predictions for 2010. It's now a year later, and
while many of these did not happen, some of them did and for others we are a
step closer.


Hi -

At a content forum and NANOG in June 2006 I led some discussions involving
predictions for what the Internet might look like in 2010. What makes this
so interesting is that so many perspectives highlighted so many potential
futures that others had not considered. When you then discuss the
implications of such varying futures, again with a diverse crowd, you end up
with a lively discussion and, well, some potential futures you may not have
considered. I've tried to list some of these predictions from the Content
Provider crowd and the ISP NANOG crowd here.

Content Provider Predictions for 2010

I observe that the content providers had more than double the hit rate
of the ISPs.