NANOG/IEPG/ISOC's current role

I'm not sure if this is the most completely wrong place to ask this
question, so please forgive me if it is, but I'm not sure where else
to ask it...

As someone who's about to renumber a public school district from a /24
to something else, what would be the smallest network to get (from
InterNIC) that would pretty much be guaranteed to be routed for the next
few years? I'm thinking a /22 at the moment, but am not sure.

Granted the best solution would be go to our provider (all the schools
in Santa Clara County, CA go through the county office of education for
internet access) and have them get an /18 or something and distribute
that, but they don't seem to want that. Should I push them for this

Thanks in advance, and apologies for the 'dumb' traffic.

-Sven Nielsen

  Dalvenjah FoxFire, the Teddy Dragon (also known as Sven Nielsen to some :slight_smile:
       --- dalvenjah on IRC
     Remember: if you're not on DALnet, you're on the wrong IRC server!!
       (/serv 7000 or telnet to try it out)

Anybody want to recommend a list (or create one) to discuss this kind of
thing on? I'll join it, promote it and leave NANOG alone for a while.

As someone who's about to renumber a public school district from a /24
to something else, what would be the smallest network to get (from
InterNIC) that would pretty much be guaranteed to be routed for the next
few years? I'm thinking a /22 at the moment, but am not sure.

No. Read RFC1918 and use those addresses in conjunction with a proxy
firewall. You'll neve need to renumber again and you gain the added
benefit that nobody can contact the outside world without going through
your proxy which can block the kiddies from et al.

Granted the best solution would be go to our provider (all the schools
in Santa Clara County, CA go through the county office of education for
internet access) and have them get an /18 or something and distribute
that, but they don't seem to want that. Should I push them for this

Doesn't matter if you use a *COORDINATED* scheme for allocating RFC1918
addresses. As long each school in the county uses different blocks from
10/8 there will be no problems going it alone today and merging at some
future date.

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 E-mail: