NANOG/IEPG/ISOC's current role

second point. For a year now nothing has been available and given the
nature of the new market place, how could one reasonably expect them to
be available except by looking a through put figures at the MAEs. MAE
East in particular.

At the SD NANOG, all of us NAP operators said we would look into a format
for making raw figures available. This would give us at least some starting
point to start making at least a US-based over-all traffic growth metric.

I'm less concerned with inter-backbone traffic...that will always be
signifigant, but with providers coming up at different exchanges, and
adjustment of routing policy, traffic get's sloshed from one exchange to
another, and then pulled away when private exchanges get added, etc.

If the other NAP operators are out there listening, can you send me some
email so we can get organized?
