NANOG Digest, Vol 52, Issue 67

Does anyone have any intel on bandwidth trading in the usa?

[carl gough] founder and CEO +61 425 266 764

mobsource .com defined by benefits not by technology
Skype ­ mobsource Follow @mobsource Facebook ­ mobsource

Mr Karl:

We use number of these service to improve delivery of our content to end users.

Which service or services do you seek info for?


Thanks Nabil, Bandwidth Trading is not a new concept, but to make it
work effectively it will have to address a couple of prerequisites to be
successful. A network of buyers and sellers has to be created, contracted
and connected for instant pricing, inventory management and delivery of a
defined and standardised service. Not a la enron of course, they traded

[carl gough] founder and CEO +61 425 266 764
mobsource .com defined by benefits not by technology
Skype ­ mobsource Follow @mobsource Facebook ­ mobsource

IIRC, the concept was first introduced by MCI and Enron to great fanfare
and subsequent graphic demonstrations of the destructive power of
unregulated markets controlled by people of limited moral fortitude.


If you ever want a run down on how Enron did it (or didn't do it), there are
several on this list who can tell you all about it.

Doesn't Arbinet have some sort of trading system like this currently?

Carlos Alcantar
Race Communications / Race Team Member
101 Haskins Way, So. San Francisco, CA. 94080
Phone: +1 415 376 3314 / /

Not ALL of us were of limited moral fortitude! :slight_smile: I still think the concept was fundamentally sound, and I certainly meant well, but I was in a position of very little power so what I said generally didn't carry a lot of weight in that environment.


I thought those big organizations actually came in later. Here is an
article discussing Band-X, which was one of at least two as I recall
that predated some of some of those more well known, later entrants:


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