[Nanog] Cogent Router dropping packets

(Crossed Fingers)

Cogent's network seems "OK", for now.

I've received several responses asking for details on how I would avoid
Cogent. It looks like getting a connection to the AT&T network will allow
us to serve our customers on their DSLS and use their direct peering to the
Time Warner network for our customers with cable Internet.

If anyone has any ideas on how this will work, please let me know. For
instance, do most networks prefer to keep packets on their network until
closest to the end point or might a network just send the traffic through
cogent in another part of their network a few hops away?

It is Saturday after all. We generally are all aware of Cogents
'status'. You're not having a unique experience.


Some things just never change at cogent.. fought them for months way
back when to get me off their infamous 2 bgp peer setup after many an
outage due to this setup, they finally put us on a single bgp session
but it took forever. Lets just say cogent didn't last long at the
company I worked for.

  You get what you pay for....


Martin Hannigan wrote:

Some things just never change at cogent.. fought them for months way
back when to get me off their infamous 2 bgp peer setup after many an
outage due to this setup, they finally put us on a single bgp session
but it took forever. Lets just say cogent didn't last long at the
company I worked for.

Could you provide additional details on the failure mode experienced
resultant from this "two tiered" configuration? How did moving to a
"conventional" configuration with a single directly-connected neighbor
solve things?

What steps were taken during your postmortem and subsequent lab
simulations to verify that the outages were not with the customer-side
implementation, or perhaps a simple typographical error?

Here in H-town, we are deploying a metro/BLEC network comprised of
1000s of small L3 boxes not carrying full tables (Cisco 3560 and
similar), and would like very much to learn from these major
architectural mistakes, so that we can avoid similar outage scenarios.
Any information you could provide would be excellent.

  You get what you pay for....

Not passing any judgment on quality, Cogent is more towards the middle
of the road for price, these days, on larger commits.

Paul Wall