[NANOG-announce] NANOG Website Redesign Project

Greetings NANOG community,

NANOG is in the process of completely redeveloping its website
(http://www.nanog.org) and is looking for feedback from the community and
NANOG members.

One of the primary goals of the redesign is to present a clean, yet
functional and up to date website, improving delivery of information to
NANOG members and sponsors, as
well as providing attraction to potential new members and sponsors.
Additionally, a mobile-compatible version of the website with access to the
same up to date
information that the full website offers is another goal of ours.

We have a long list of features that have been discussed within the various
Committee and Board meetings. We however, want to make sure we hear more
from the community,
as our goal is to serve your needs. If you have a wish list item (or
items)?, or thoughts about what works well on current site and what we need
to make sure to improve,
please send your opinions to us. We've set up a special email address where
you can directly contact the folks working on the website re-design project.
The address is

We're hoping to launch the website prior to the new year, so the sooner you
get those great ideas to us, the sooner we can move the project forward.

Thank you,

Randy Epstein
Chairman, NANOG Communications Committee
On behalf of the Website Redesign Team

NANOG is in the process of completely redeveloping its website
(http://www.nanog.org) and is looking for feedback from the community
and NANOG members.

i have been exceedingly impressed by the current web site's serious
feature set implemented without a whole bunch of web glorp. i use it as
an example when folk want to start barfing java and all that crap at me.


Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> writes:

NANOG is in the process of completely redeveloping its website
(http://www.nanog.org) and is looking for feedback from the community
and NANOG members.

i have been exceedingly impressed by the current web site's serious
feature set implemented without a whole bunch of web glorp. i use it as
an example when folk want to start barfing java and all that crap at me.

I am not a fan of "fsmenu.js", which persists on nanog.org even when
one clicks on the "text site" link, which to my way of thinking ought
to be free of such stuff.

I'm not an accessibility expert, but animated menus don't smell
"accessible" to me unless input devices and screen readers have gotten
a whole lot better while I was not paying attention.

There are various accessibility standards - BS 8878:2010 (UK), Section
508 (US, a bit of a period piece) to name a couple. Which one gets
chosen is not as important as choosing one and then subjecting the
site to a periodic audit to make sure it is "clean".

In my limited experience, conformance to such standards tends to make
the site load more quickly and feel more snappy (which benefits
everyone) though the difference may be fairly small on today's fast

A clear statement of the goals of the redesign may inform the
direction one's efforts take.

My $0.02...
