[NANOG-announce] NANOG Election Time line 2009

Hello NANOGers!

Per the charter (http://nanog.org/governance/charter/), we are
approaching the annual NANOG election and appointment time. In
addition to the series of "call for nominations" messages at the
opening of each period, we thought to send an overview and time
line ahead of the actual nominations opening. Hopefully this will
get more of the eligible members of the community to consider
standing for a role in one of the Committees that helps makes NANOG
what it is.

= NANOG Steering Committee

The NANOG Steering Committee works closely with Merit to promote,
support and improve NANOG. The Steering Committee is responsible
for the selection of the Program Committee and the Mailing List
Committee, and is the community's instrument for ensuring that the
NANOG organization remains open, relevant and useful.

Elections for three of the seven positions on the Steering Committee
will be held in October 2009. The currently-serving Steering
Committee members whose terms are expiring are Steve Feldman, Jared
Mauch and Chris Morrow. Chris has served two consecutive terms so
per the charter, he cannot be considered for re-election until
October 2010.

There are no restrictions on eligible candidates, but Steering
Committee members must commit to attending two out of every three
annual NANOG meetings per the charter (6.2.6). A good candidate
will have experience with Internet engineering, operations, and
governance organizations as well as the principles and practices
which guide them. Consensus organizing, leadership, outreach and
communication skills are prized.

= NANOG Program Committee
The Program Committee is a group of sixteen individuals from the
NANOG community who together are responsible for the solicitation
and selection of material for NANOG meeting Programs.
A new Program Committee will be selected by the Steering Committee
after the election in October. Eight positions are to be filled.
The currently-serving Program Committee members whose terms are
expiring are Joel Jaeggli, Rodney Joffe, Sylvie LaPerriere, Kevin
Oberman, Lane Patterson, Ren Provo, Josh Snowhorn and Todd Underwood.
Furthermore, Joel, Ren, Josh and Todd have all served two consecutive
terms so per the charter, they cannot be considered for another
Program Committee appointment until October 2010.
Per the NANOG charter (6.2.1), eligible candidates are individuals
who have attended at least one NANOG meeting in the past 12 months
(one or more of NANOG 45, NANOG 46 or NANOG 47). Broad technical
knowledge of Internet operations and familiarity with NANOG meetings
are useful attributes. Having constructive opinions and ideas
about how NANOG meetings might be improved is of high value.
= NANOG Mailing List Committee
The Mailing List Committee is a group of five individuals from the
NANOG community who together are responsible for the administration
and moderation of the NANOG mailing lists.

A new Mailing List Committee will be selected by the Steering
Committee after the election in October. Two positions are to be
filled. The currently-serving Mailing List Committee members whose
terms are expiring are Kris Foster and Simon Lyall.

The main NANOG mailing list serves an important role in the community
by providing a day-to-day forum for network operators. Participating
in the MLC gives you the opportunity to make a noticeable contribution.
The MLC is covered under section 7.1.2 of the NANOG charter.

= Why?

If you care about NANOG as a set of fora and think you would like
to take a turn at volunteering your time to help make it better,
please consider either volunteering yourself or nominating someone

For more information about the role of any Committee, or to find
out more about what's involved in being a Committee member, please
do consult the current NANOG charter or contact someone who is
already serving and ask them directly:

= Time Line

Mon 2009-08-17 Call for Steering Committee nominations
Tue 2009-09-08 Call for Program Committee nominations
Mon 2009-09-14 SC nominations close
Mon 2009-09-28 Call for Mailing List Committee nominations
Sun 2009-10-18 Voting for the 2009/2010 NANOG SC opens at 12:00 EDT
Mon 2009-10-19 PC nominations close
Wed 2009-10-21 Voting for the 2009/2010 NANOG SC closes at 13:00 EDT
Thu 2009-10-22 New PC appointed
Thu 2009-10-29 MLC nominations close
Tue 2009-11-03 New MLC appointed


Joe Provo
on behalf of the NANOG Steering Committee