[NANOG-announce] NANOG 67 Chicago, IL - Call for Presentations is Open!

NANOG Community,

The NANOG Program Committee is excited to announce that we are accepting
proposals for all sessions at NANOG 67 in Chicago, IL on June 13-15, 2016.
I have included some key points from the Call for Presentations and the
complete text is now available on the NANOG website:


Early bird registration is open for NANOG 67 and hotel reservations in the
NANOG block are available for those interested in making advance travel
plans. We look forward to seeing all of you in Chicago and are eager to
get to work on building a strong program for the upcoming meeting.


NANOG Program Committee

NANOG 67 Call for Presentations

The North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its 67th
conference in Chicago, Illinois on June 13-15, 2016. EdgeConneX will be
the Local Host at NANOG 67.

The NANOG Program Committee seeks proposals for presentations, panels,
tutorials, and tracks sessions for the NANOG 67 program. We welcome
suggestions of keynote speakers or topic ideas. Presentations may cover
current technologies already deployed or soon-to-be deployed in the
Internet. Vendors are welcome to submit talks which cover relevant
technologies and capabilities, but presentations must not be promotional or
discuss proprietary solutions. NANOG 67 submissions can be entered on the NANOG
Program Committee Site <https://pc.nanog.org/>.

How To Submit

The primary speaker, moderator, or author should submit a presentation
proposal and an abstract on the Program Committee Site
<https://pc.nanog.org/>. Please upload draft slides as soon as possible so
the Program Committee can understand the intended structure and level of
detail covered by the talk. Draft slides are not required for a proposal
to be initiated, but they are usually expected before the Program
Committee can definitively accept a submission. The following information
should be included in the proposal: