[NANOG-announce] NANOG 64 - San Francisco - Call for Presentations is Open!

Greetings NANOG Folks,

NANOG 63 in San Antonio is still a fairly fresh memory (for those who were

NANOG will hold its 64th meeting in San Francisco, CA on June 1-3, 2015,
hosted by Netflix.

The NANOG Program Committee is now seeking proposals for presentations,
panels, tutorials, tracks sessions, and keynote materials for the NANOG 64
program. We invite presentations highlighting issues relating to technology
already deployed or soon-to-be deployed in the Internet, . Vendors are
encouraged to work with operators to present real-world deployment
experiences with the vendor's products and interoperability. Key dates to
track if you wish to submit a presentation:

Key Dates For NANOG 64



Registration for NANOG 64 Opens

March 2, 2015 (Monday)

CFP Opens for NANOG 64

March 2, 2015 (Monday)

CFP Deadline #1: Presentation Abstracts Due

March 30, 2015 (Monday)

CFP Topic List and NANOG Highlights Page Posted

April 13, 2015 (Monday)

CFP Deadline #2: Presentation Slides Due

April 27, 2015 (Monday)

Meeting Agenda Published

May 4, 2015 (Monday)

Speaker FINAL presentations to PC Tool <https://pc.nanog.org/>

May 29, 2015 (Friday)

On-site Registration

May 31, 2015 (Sunday)

Lightning Talk Submissions Open (Abstracts Only)

June 1, 2015 (Monday)

NANOG 64 submissions are welcome on the Program Committee Site
<https://pc.nanog.org/> or email me if you have questions.

See the detailed NANOG64 Call for Presentations
<https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog63/callforpresentations> for more

You can also view the NANOG events calendar
(including the key dates above and more) import in ICS format


Tony Tauber
Chair, Program Committee
North American Network Operator Group (NANOG)