[NANOG-announce] NANOG 49 Call for Presentations now available


  After a great meeting in Austin, we're gearing up for
  NANOG 49. The NANOG 49 CFP is now available on


  Important dates include:

  Presentation Abstracts and Draft Slides Due: 09-Apr-2010
  Final Slides Due: 07-May-2010
  Draft Program Published: 13-May-2010
  Final Agenda Published: 27-May-2010

  Please submit your materials to http://pc.nanog.org

  Looking forward to seeing everyone in San Francisco.


  (for the NANOG PC)

Hello Fellow NANOG'ers,

TLDR: The PC is still looking for great content for NANOG 49. Go upload abstracts and tutorials at https://pc.nanog.org.

Just a quick note on behalf of the NANOG Program Committee that our next PC call will be next Tuesday, May 11th. Shortly after this meeting, we hope to post a draft agenda for NANOG 49, but we need your help - we still need a bit more content! For those of you that have submitted abstracts, now is a great time to upload your slides into the PC tool at https://pc.nanog.org, and for those who might want to give a talk to upload their abstracts and slides into the tool, again at https://pc.nanog.org.

And while you're at it, take the time to go register for the conference at https://nanog.merit.edu/registration/, the Early Bird rate is still open.

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you all in San Francisco!

Tom Daly, for the NANOG PC.