[NANOG-announce] NANOG 47 wrap-up (and survey reminder!)

Thanks again to everyone who attended NANOG 47 in Dearborn, or watched
remotely. Arbor Networks and Merit Network were wonderful hosts, and
the Program Committee and presenters combined to give us an excellent
program. Special thanks also go to the ARIN staff, who worked closely
with Merit and the PC to produce a successful week of meetings.

A reminder to those of you who participated: please fill out the
meeting survey, at http://tinyurl.com/nanog47. We depend on that
information to provide you with useful and high-quality meetings.

I look forward to seeing everyone again at NANOG 48 on February 21-24,
2010 in Austin, Texas. The call for presentations will be announced
soon, and registration will open next week.

  Steve Feldman
  SC Chair