[NANOG-announce] NANOG 46 agenda announced; reduced rate registration expiring soon


An updated agenda for NANOG46 has been posted at:


you might notice that this NANOG features:

       * Keynote by Paul Vixie on "Internet Superbugs and the Art of War"
       * A ton of useful tutorials including Dani Roisman's popular "BGP
Load Balancing",
         and new tutorials from Richard Steenbergen, "Production v6
Network in 30 minutes
         or less" and Martin Hannigan "Network Capacity RFP"
       * The popular Peering and Security tracks
       * New v6 operational content and experience
       * Lots of other great, operational presentations

So I would humbly suggest that you (collectively) register for NANOG46

( https://nanog.merit.edu/registration/ )

as quickly as possible. Discounted registration ends in less than two
weeks (on May 10) so save yourself $75 and get registered. You know
you're going to go, so just go already.

If you require an invitation or travel letter for visa purposes, please
send mail to nanog-support@nanog.org.

I would *strongly* suggest you reserve a hotel room if you have not
already. The last several NANOGs all available discounted rooms in
the room block have gone very quickly.

( http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog46/hotel.php )

Note that the program is now almost completely full (there are 2-3 slots
left that are saved for conditionally accepted talks that are already
in progress or any presentations dealing with late-breaking events,
but the event would have to be exceptionally significant and
interesting). If you didn't submit for this NANOG conference, please
consider submitting a presentation for NANOG47. (http://pc.nanog.org)

Lightning talk submission will open on May 14. Lightning talks are short
(10 minute maximum) presentations submitted immediately prior to
or during the conference. Lightning talks are particularly appropriate
for material that is too short to fill a normal Plenary presentation slot
or too timely to have been submitted with sufficient anticipation. Lightning
talks are also an opportunity for presenters to get early feedback on a
new or still-gestating idea.

The first round of Lightning talks will be selected on June 9 and will
be announced immediately prior to the start of the conference.
Additional lightning talks will be selected during the conference.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in Philadelphia,

Todd Underwood, Chair
NANOG Program Commitee