[NANOG-announce] Call for Board Member Nominations for 2012 Elections - August 20 to October 1, 2012

*Dear NANOGers,

Hope you are enjoying this great Summer. Following our August 4 posting
‘‘Announcing the October 2012 NANOG Elections’ which provided a preview
into our election process, we are now pleased to open the Call for Board
Member Nominations for the three vacant positions on the Board of
Directors. The nomination period starts August 20 and closes October 1,
2012 at 23:59 Pacific Standard Time.

If you are nominating another person, please send that person's name and
email address to nominations@nanog.org and we will contact them to
acknowledge their willingness to stand and will ask them to submit
their Declaration
of Candidacy Form
If you are nominating yourself, please submit your Declaration of Candidacy
Form (Doc)<http://www.nanog.org/governance/elections/2012elections/2012_Declaration_of_Candidacy.docx>to

Below is the summary of the role and a detailed description may be
consulted at http://www.nanog.org/governance/BOD_Responsibilities.pdf