[NANOG-announce] Announcing a Monday to Wednesday NANOG Program Starting at NANOG 57 (Feb 2013)


At our NANOG 55 Community meeting Dave Temkin presented the PC proposal to
move our Conference Program to a Monday-to-Wednesday format. Originating
from the community, this proposal was developed and refined in the last
year using the conference surveys. We surveyed you one last time at NANOG
55. The majority spoke in favour and the Board approved this change on
June 22.

I am pleased to announce that starting in February 2013, at NANOG 57
Orlando, the NANOG Conference program will :

   - start Monday morning with Tutorials;
   - have the Keynote kick off the Plenary after Monday's lunch;
   - add a standing Policy Track programmed by ARIN;
   - move the Peering Track to Wednesday afternoon.

The net result will provide a Conference Program with 10% more content:
+15 min of General Session and +90 min of Unique Track.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Nate Davis and John Curran
(ARIN partners), Betty Burke (Executive Director), Dave Temkin (PC Chair),
Greg Dendy (PC VIce-Chair) and each and every PC member (Nina, Jim, Tom,
Ryan, Kevin, Igor, Greg H, Manish, Mohit, David, Dani, Tom, Michael, Tony)
for the careful thought and consideration they afforded this proposal over
the past 9 months.

Have a great Summer and see you all next October for NANOG 56 in Dallas.
