[NANOG-announce] A few notes on recent events and items of interest for NANOG 47


  A few notes on recent events and items of interest:

  (i). The NANOG Steering Committee approved the 2009
    Election Ballot. It will be posted on Sunday,
    October 18 by noon when the polls open.

  (ii). Charter amendments

  (iii). SC Candidates

  (iv). Current PC Candidates


  (v). Important dates

    - Voting for the 2009/2010 NANOG SC opens: 1200 EDT 10-18-09
    - Voting for the 2009/2010 NANOG SC closes: 0915 EDT 10-21-09
    - PC Candidate Information posted/nominations close: 10-19-09

  The NANOG 47 agenda has been posted, so please check that
  out. We have a great line-up of topics and presenters.
  We hope to see many more in Dearborn.

  For those who are considering a NANOG Sponsorship, we
  encourage you to contact marketing@merit.edu. The
  community really appreciates the support and vendors do
  have a wonderful opportunity to showcase their products.

  Thanks, and see you all in Dearborn.
