[NANOG-announce] 2016 NANOG Election Results

Greetings NANOG Colleagues,

The 2016 NANOG Board and Bylaw election process is now complete.

The results were shared during NANOG 68, are posted on the NANOG website,
and summarized here.

In 2016, there were two regular open positions on the Board of Directors.
The appointments are:

Hi NANOG Community,

Following up from our election in October, the NANOG Board listened to
feedback from our members and discussed the potential implications of
releasing vote counts.

The Board has decided that while we will not publish the individual vote
counts from this past election, we will publish the results going forward.
Given the ambiguity as to whether or not we are obligated to publish these
counts, we felt it best to be conservative as to not alienate those that
ran under the impression that counts would not be released.

As part of the discussion, the board as well decided to change the makeup
of the Election Committee. In past elections, it was made up of two
non-conflicted board members and the Executive Director. Going forward, two
board members will be joined by 3 NANOG members, to be selected by the
seated board.

Best Regards,

-Dave Temkin
Chair, NANOG Board of Directors