[NANOG-announce] 2009 NANOG charter amendments

The NANOG charter is the document which governs the operation of
NANOG, and the relationship between the community and NANOG's hosting
organization, Merit Network. The current text is at http://www.nanog.org/governance/charter/

During the NANOG annual election, voters are given the opportunity to
decide on amendments to the NANOG charter. Typically, the amendment
process has been used to remedy oversights, modify processes with the
benefit of experience, and to correct and tighten language. This
year, the election is being held during the NANOG meeting October
18-21 in Dearborn, MI.

There are two ways to put an amendment on the ballot:

- Vote by a majority of the Steering Committee

- A petition signed by at least 30 eligible voters,
  and submitted by September 28, 2009.

See http://www.nanog.org/governance/elections/2009elections/2009charteramend.php
  for more details on the process. As amendments are proposed, they
will be added to that page.

If you have any suggestions for amendments, or would like to comment
on NANOG governance in general, please join the discussion on the
nanog-futures list, or contact the Steering Committee or any of its
members directly.

  Steve Feldman
  (for the Steering Committee)