NANOG 80 Call For Presentations

Dear NANOG Community,

The NANOG Program Committee (PC) is excited to announce that we are accepting proposals for all sessions at NANOG 80.

Transform your research, ideas, and best practices into a presentation for the 80th community-wide gathering of The North American Network Operators’ Group, in October. Given by many of the industry’s top minds, presentations at NANOG meetings are meant to spark the imagination, encourage dialogue, and drive new solutions to our greatest networking challenges.

The NANOG Program Committee (PC) is currently seeking proposals, and also welcomes suggestions for speakers, and ideas for topics. Presentations may cover current technologies, soon-to-be deployed technologies, and industry innovation. Vendors are welcome to submit talks which cover relevant technologies and capabilities, but presentations should not be promotional, or discuss proprietary solutions.

Submit your NANOG 80 proposal now, via the NANOG Program Committee tool. The deadline for proposals to be considered for NANOG 80 is Monday August 24th 2020.

The primary speaker, moderator, or author should submit a presentation proposal and abstract via the Program Committee Tool at:

  • Sign in with your Profile Account

  • Select the type of talk you propose to present, and complete the title and abstract