NANOG 61 Bellevue - DNS Track

Hello everyone,

As a Washington State resident, I look forward to seeing all of you in
beautiful Bellevue, WA for NANOG 61.

I am trying to organize the DNS Track and as usual we would like to
make this very attractive. If you are interested in presenting in DNS
Track please contact me directly (off-list ).

Best regards


I am trying to organize the DNS Track and as usual we would like to
make this very attractive.

mehmet, i know you're an engineer. screw attractive. how about
technically informative and meaty?



To an engineer, that _IS_ attractive.


DNS is Sexy, y'all know it.



To an engineer, that _IS_ attractive.

i am an occasional engineer. i find the recent gl1tz!ficat!on of nanog,
the mass of committees and important positions, ... disgusting.



To an engineer, that _IS_ attractive.

i am an occasional engineer. i find the recent gl1tz!ficat!on of nanog,
the mass of committees and important positions, ... embarrassing.


DNS is Sexy, y'all know it.

no wonder dns geeks seem to have a low birth rate

Amen. Also to engineer wannabees.

Some people would call that community participation. Perhaps a side
effect of the split from merit and nanog's continuing evolution?