NANOG 59 - Monday presentations on YouTube


We're proud to announce that all of the recorded presentations from Monday
at NANOG 59 in Phoenix have now been posted to Youtube. You may visit the
NANOG 59 page at

We will also embed links to the individual talks into the agenda at within the next day

This is part of our continuous commitment to improving the NANOG program
for our members.

-Dave Temkin
Chair, NANOG Program Committee

Kudos to whomever made this happen so quickly.

Would appear the video for #10 Community Meeting is also appearing for #11 BCOP

+1 on that. Great stuff in here. Though the Better Than Best
Practices...DNS Amplification Attacks video isn't working for me. It says
the video is still processing and has been for a few hours now. Any chance
we could get this video fixed? TIA.


* (David Temkin) [Tue 08 Oct 2013, 23:43 CEST]:

We're proud to announce that all of the recorded presentations from Monday at NANOG 59 in Phoenix have now been posted to Youtube.

This is really neat.

  -- Niels.

I agree, it's great! My only nit with it is that the aspect ratio seems to be wrong.

Really appreciated this video! Tracking amplification on Comcast as we