NANOG 55: Submit your Lightning Talks!

Hello NANOG 55'ers,
Welcome to Vancouver. On behalf of the NANOG Program Committee, I'm pleased to announce that we're accepting Lightning Talk submissions via our tool at Log in, submit a talk, and wait. We'll be announcing the first round of LTs late this evening.

How does it work?
- You come up with an idea for a 10 minute talk. You submit an abstract to the tool at
- The Program Committee reviews the talks in the tool, and each PC member rates their top 3 choices.
- Around 10pm Sunday and Tuesday evenings, we'll select the top 3 rated talks in the tool, and include them in the following day's Lightning Talk session.
- If you are selected to present a Lightning Talk, you'll be notified by email on how to submit your slides to the NANOG PC.

No idea is too ridiculous for a talk! No topic is too crazy! Submit your talk now and enjoy the rush of a being a real, live, NANOG presenter!

For the NANOG PC,
Tom Daly