NANOG 43 Brooklyn -- Call For Presenatations

[puts NANOG Program Committee Chair hat on...]

[Note the timeline below--this is an extremely compressed schedule].

The NANOG 43 conference will be held in Brooklyn, NY on June 1-3,
2008, to be sponsored by Telx ( This is a
particularly exciting NANOG for many attendees because it is the first
time that NANOG has been held in New York City. This gives residents
of that city (and the surrounding areas) an opportunity to attend
NANOG on their home turf, and perhaps the opportunity to suggest
content for the conference of particular relevance to the NYC area.
It gives the rest of us a great reason to visit a city where mass
transit doesn't shut down at night.

The NANOG Program Committee (PC) is actively soliciting talks
for that event and we have an extremely tight submission schedule.

Some (of the many) ideas that we're considering for this NANOG

   * submarine cable systems. optics, phsysics, martime
           conditions, economics, services
         * interconnections. IXes, intra-building, MMR, metro-wide
           connections, peering, transit purchasing tactics and

   * security. routing security (hijacking), route filtering of
           large peers/customers. inter-as security and cooperation.

          * dns. using dns data for network metrics, botnet discovery,
           geolocation and other fun.

   * ipv6. real-world deployment challenges. NAT-PT
           implementations that work and scale. allocation

In general, we are seeking presentations by and for network operators
of all sizes. We want to see presentations about difficult problems
(and interesting solutions) that you encounter in the course of your
job. We know it's always easier to get presentations from people who
are paid to do it (vendors, marketing people) but attendees of
previous NANOG conferences tell us that the best presentations are
frequently by fellow operators.

If you think you have an interesting topic but want some feedback or
some help working it into a presentation, please email me and I'll
make sure that someone on the PC gives you the feedback you need to
work your idea into a presenatation worth giving.

What do you get if you present? A free pass to NANOG, rock star
status among your peers, and a permanent place of fame on the

Also note that NANOG44 will be held in Los Angeles, jointly with ARIN
on October 12-14. So mark your calendars. If you cannot present at
NANOG43 Brooklyn, the PC is already actively soliciting talks for Los
Angeles as well.

Key dates for NANOG 43:

      NOW Web tool open to accept submissions

***** [Rolling evaluation of talks begins] *****
***** [Talks submitted earliest have the best chance of acceptance] *****

   14-Mar-08 Deadline for submissions. Talks submitted by the
              point will receive full consideration for a slot at

   31-Mar-08 Draft Agenda Posted

    4-Apr-08 Deadline for late submissions. Talks submitted by this
              deadline may be considered for open spots in the agenda.

   24-Apr-08 Last scheduled PC call to finalize agenda.

   29-Apr-08 Final agenda posted to NANOG mailing list.

   [Lighting talk evaluations begins]

   01-June-08 - NANOG 43 begins!



[that hat was bugging me]


The NANOG 43 conference will be held in Brooklyn, NY on June 1-3,

and of course, by June 1-3 i meant June 1-4. several people at merit
tried to correct me in time, but i was woefully resistant to their
efforts. apologies.

also, several people sent me questions about nanog fees. attendance
at the nanog conference is not, in fact, free. the fees vary based on
how early you register (and if i could find a reference on the website, i would point to it with normal meeting
registration fees). i will say that it's quite cheap, compared to any
similar technical conference and an extraordinary deal. i'll let
merit staff post correct pricing for nanog 43.

we're already getting great submissions. thanks to everyone who
starting things rolling over the weekend.



Early-Bird Registration, through 04/30/2008 US$450
Registration, starting 05/01/2008 US$525
Late & On-site Registration, starting 05/30/2008 US$600
qualifying student fee US$100
cancellation fee US$35
