nanog 23

Also, I have meetings in San Jose
Augsut 16 and in LA August 17. Please get
me a flight for this (leaving on the 15th and returning redeye
on the 17th).

Please send me an email tomorrow with options etc.


I will speak there. Please register Art Trudel and
get us a room together.

****** Forwarded Message Follows *******

Hotel Information URL:

For those of you in uncertain financial situations (and I know there are
several of you out there) and are looking to save the extra buck, the
Washington Inn, just down the street from the Mariott is offering a
corporate rate of $128. Their number is 510-452-1776.

Brandon Ross 404-522-5400
EVP Engineering, NetRail
AIM: BrandonNR ICQ: 2269442
Read RFC 2644!

Marshall Eubanks