NANOG 17 will be held in Montreal, Canada on October 3-5, 1999 at the Hotel
Wyndham Montreal. The room block for the NANOG 17 hotel ends on September
2nd. The room rate of $160 (Canadian) can not be guaranteed beyond that
date. The Wyndham Montreal is about 20 minutes by taxi from the Dorval
Airport and the taxi cost about $25. Information about the hotel and
meeting can be found on the webpage Reminder to US
citizens to bring proof of citizenship. If you are bringing any equipment
it would be advisable to bring proof of ownership. Any questions please
contact me. Hope to see you there.

Hotel Wyndham Montreal
514-285-1450 - phone
800-361-8234 - toll free US & Canada
514-841-2037 - fax
Mention Merit NANOG Meeting

Pam Ciesla
Merit Network,Inc. 734-936-0172 - phone
4251 Plymouth Road 734-647-3185
Bldg.I, Suite C
Ann Arbor, MI 48107