NANOG 12 Announcement

Hi all -

We are all set now for NANOG 12. NANOG 12 will be held Feb 8-10 hosted by
iHighway in Albequerque, New Mexico at the Crowne Plaza Pyramid hotel.
Please see the NANOG web pages ( for registration
pages, meeting details, local host information, etc. More information will
be put up as it becomes available.

We are constructing the initial agenda as we speak. Please send e-mail
(, if you have agenda suggestions.


PS: I'm told there is good skiing near by...Perhaps we can get a small
group together for a couple days of skiing before or after NANOG? We need
to find a skiing affectionado/volunteer to take the lead to organize this
(hint..hint). An alternative would be a trip down to Roswell to see the
alien artifacts ( I'd
vote skiing, but then, I'm part of the conspiracy :wink: