My upstream ISP does not support IPv6

Done as in having circuits in multiple pops in production. Several
more providers should be coming online in Q1/Q2.


I'll start..

Hurricane Electric Happily and readily provided me IPv6 Transit on request.
Layer42 Happily and readily provided me IPv6 Transit on request.


Disclaimer: While I work at HE, I'm speaking for my house, AS1734 in this case.

how do the routes they offer compare?

IPv6 from both of my upstream providers has been "coming soon" for

about a year and a half.

I'm getting ready to try to enable IPv6 natively with in the

Chicago area. Has anyone had any experience with them?

Speaking generically, everyone's routes suck. It's also not a fully fair comparison of reachability. You can see my network from HE and Level3, but if see me through Level3 without the use of a tunnel, it is probably the better path (which is why I prepend out the tunnel to HE). On the other hand, there are cases where HE is better connectivity, even with the horrid tunnel.


Here's a chart:


We've been checking with our two regional upstreams and the answer seems
to vary between 'not yet...', 'testing...', 'we're planning...' etc.
I've been checking with my technical contacts, vs sales people. Perhaps
if there was a drive from the sales perspective I could get more
traction - money talks.

In the mean time, we've setup a tunnel with HE. At least our network
will be tested and ready to go whenever native transit is available.


All this talk about CPE is wasted until folks like ATT have someone on the retail interface (store, phone, or, web) who even knows what is this "IPv6" thing. Exploring this issue with DSL providers and Uverse is like that old exercise with combat boots. It feels much better when I stop.

James R. Cutler

My ISP can't answer the question.

I'm not sure what you mean -- once the ISP identifies CPE that works on
their network, couldn't early adopters who are interested in the technology
be pointed to a short list?


The problem is conversations like this:

AT&T Customer Service: "AT&T uVerse, how can I help you?"

Customer: "Yes, I have uVerse service and I'd like to get IPv6."

AT&T Customer Service: "I pea vee what? Is this a prank call?"


Would if att (and others) would support IPv6 (via dedicated, residential or even cellular). Where I am, all contact people I have spoken to don't have a clue. The best I got was "call back late summer and we'll know something) Their residential and cellular folks couldn't even spell IPv6.


The ATT cellular folks respond...

ATT: "ATT Wireless. My name is ____ and I'm here to help"

User: "My iPhone web browser can't reach sites like via your cellular network but it can over my wifi at home."

ATT: "So you are having problems with your uVerse wireless connection?"

... after escalating to L2 support....

ATT: "So we will start be reseting your iPhone and then configure it for data access...."

...after 45 minutes...

ATT: "Are you sure the website is valid? Let me check that website on my desktop here."... "Well, thats the problem! doesn't exist. I can't get to it via my desktop here at support. You need to use www instead of ipv6 and everything will be fine. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

Nope its ATT. My iPhone works fine on IPv6. I connect wifi at home and can go anywhere but on on ATT wireless.


T-mobile USA has a nationwide ipv6 beta. You can google it.
Regarding iphone, its more an iPhone issue than anything else

Nope its ATT. My iPhone works fine on IPv6. I connect wifi at home
and can go anywhere but on on ATT wireless.

Your iphone supports v6 in the operating system that runs the user
facing side of it. It's baseband radio controller (with a seperate
processor and operating system) does not support v6 and thus the
cellular side of the device cannot.

Seems equally problematic, no?


To follow up on this:

"We are investigating IP v6 but, unfortunately, have no plans that are available for sharing at present"


(My mother has had IPv6 since 2007, and she lives in the boonies!)

Just now catching up...and don't take this wrong way, Peter, but your
mother has more bandwidth and better connectivity than many
countries (and some continents!) do. :stuck_out_tongue:

*had to fight back the urge to turn it into a 'yo mamma' joke...* ^_^;


I'll second that--I've had native v6 connectivity with Layer42 at home, with a
secondary path via HE tunnelbroker via a secondary physical path for many,
many moons, and have had no complaints.
For those with smaller-sized connectivity needs, it's likely you'll have better
success getting v6 connectivity from a tier-2 provider, as there's less non-v6-
compliant hardware and software that needs to be taken into consideration.
There's also likely to be some level of impedance mismatch between the
upgrade priority for high-bandwidth-customer gear and low-bandwidth-customer
gear at large-sized ISPs, which may relegate you to a slower deployment
scheduled than if you bring the question up with your local tier 2 provider.


fwiw we have v6 transit from internap in metro atlanta. setup was
drama-free. up until about 6 months ago it was offered on a
non-production basis and only as a tunnel, now it's dual stacked to our
customer edge.


Thirded. : Dual-stack IPv6 and IPv4 at our cabinets in their new Mountain View (CA, USA) facility.
Works well; basically no hassle getting it going. Having reverse DNS delegated was a breeze. via : Bridging the connectivity gaps where my home/office ISPs do not yet offer IPv6.
Very useful service. : apparently ready to provide IPv6 at our cabinets in their suite at 200 Paul (San Francisco, CA, USA) as soon as we install a suitable router.
Can't yet speak from experience as to how well it works, but their network folks certainly know their IPv6. : dual-stack IPv6 and IPv4 at a VPS hosted by a customer of theirs in in Telehouse North (London, England).
Works well; no hassle.
