my sig

the sig is removed....I am saddened that my sig was/is considered obnoxious and self-indulging. I appreciate the explanations.

God Bless,
Wiliam Warren

There have been much longer much more obnoxious .sig's on this list
before, with no complaints. Go figure, let the anti-religious bigots rule.

IMNSHO, the only valid reason for complaining about the .sig, was the
more-than-4-lines length, but it's fairly obvious that that wasn't the
(main) reason...

wow, you took heat for that .sig? *that* is obnoxious and self-indulging (and yes i meant to reply to this silly list). i should go re-read the nanog charter (or the internet charter i guess) and see where it says you can't have a .sig that talks about God (or the Bible, or whatever).


> the sig is removed....I am saddened that my sig was/is considered
> obnoxious and self-indulging. I appreciate the explanations.

There have been much longer much more obnoxious .sig's on this list
before, with no complaints. Go figure, let the anti-religious bigots rule.

Boy, that appears called for... From what factual basis draw this rude

Oh please.. as long as your posts are not a waste of time who cares about the sig.

Christian Liendo

My sig: Christian is just a name and I didn't choose it.

rm -f ~/.signature

From RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines:

In order to
      ensure that people know who you are, be sure to include a line
      or two at the end of your message with contact information. You
      can create this file ahead of time and add it to the end of your
      messages. (Some mailers do this automatically.) In Internet
      parlance, this is known as a ".sig" or "signature" file. Your
      .sig file takes the place of your business card. (And you can
      have more than one to apply in different circumstances.)

There's nothing here about content restrictions but it does say "a line
or two." I believe the original objection in this thread was to the two
line E-mail with a 10 line sig file. Not exactly "conservative in what
you send ..."

Bu then again with the poliferation of "enhanced E-mail clients" and net
citizens sending 65K three-paragraphs-of-text E-mails with 50K animated
GIF sigs and 10Kbackgrounds in HTML (done Yahoo! Mail lately?), maybe
this is an antiquainted concept. :frowning: Remember only about 5% of that fiber
in the ground is lit. We need to figure out a way to fill the other 45%
(figuring interesting things start happening above 50% utilization).

Just my 2�.

Best regards,

Let the signature thread go, even if you do 'win' this
argument, is he really going to reinstate his 10-line

      ensure that people know who you are, be sure to include a line
      or two at the end of your message with contact information


There's nothing here about content restrictions but it does say "a line
or two." I believe the original objection in this thread was to the two
line E-mail with a 10 line sig file. N

i believe that "obnoxious and self indulgent" are lines i used in an off
list message explaining the objections. i was refering to long standing
traditions that any signature containing more than 4 lines is considered
excessive, irrespective of content.


Well as long as under God is kept out of your sig then the 9th circuit
court should leave you alone!

Now this is funny!

Equally annoying are systems that attach a disclaimer to the mail, not
matter how stupid it is (My favorite is "this mail may contain confidential
or priviledged information" - sure makes *ME* get warm and fuzzy thinking
about people doing that without PGP or something).

(Yes, it has operational impact - ever gotten a trouble report via e-mail and
the disclaimer says you're not allowed to forward it to the engineer who
can actually fix the problem? :wink: