MX 80 advantages and shortcomings

Hi Team,

Can anyone enlighten me on the pros and cons of MX 80 platform


Sanjay C.P.

Can anyone enlighten me on the pros and cons of MX 80 platform

There's been quite a bit of discussion about the MX80 on the
juniper-nsp list, and I recommend asking on that list instead
(if you don't find what you already need in the list archives).

As a general rule, people are more likely to be able to help you
if you specify *what* you might want to use the MX80 for.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,

Pros - small footprint, cost, feature rich
Cons - no redundancy (other than power), 1/3rd the processor power


I'd consult the list archive, since theres a couple recent and fairly lengthy threads on this.


cons - being a different CPU architecture from its bigger cousins,
features tend to not appear at the same time on MX80 as the others.