Murkowski anti-spam bill could be a problem for ISPs

Stephen Sprunk writes...

I think that the burden should be placed entirely on the spammer; there is
no reason to bother the user or the ISP with this mess.

The current US law (USC Title 47 Sec 227) governing commercial
telecommunications should be strengthened to explicitly include email.

Then all the spammers just migrate across the border. I already get spam
from Canada and Europe.

Out of curiosity, has anyone considered the effect of this law (or others)
on non-profit spam?

Or has anyone considered the effect of this law on spammers outside of the
United States?

Or has anyone considered the effect of this law on spammers outside of the
United States?

Yes, many people have. Various answers include:

  - The Smith amendment doesn't even address the physical location
    of the machine which originated the message; it goes after the
    company itself.

  - A number of countries already have legislation which serves to
    block spammers, such as Germany's strict "unfair advertising"

  - Many countries have poor connectivity, and could not possibly
    hope to survive the amount of bandwidth used by spammers.

  - If all spammers move to one country, filtering becomes easier.

My personal favorite is the simple fact that while this law may not stop
100% of what we currently consider spam, it will seriously reduce the amount
without making it any harder to try other methods to stop the rest.

---------========== J.D. Falk <> =========---------
  > "A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points... |
  > but it is by no means the most interesting." |
  > -- Jon Pertwee as Doctor Who in "Doctor Who and |
  > the Time Warrior" by Robert Holmes (BBC, 1974) |
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My personal favorite is the simple fact that while this law may not stop
100% of what we currently consider spam, it will seriously reduce the amount
without making it any harder to try other methods to stop the rest.

  Correction: I'm talking about Smith's bill in the above
  paragraph; Murkowski's is simply awful. Sorry about any

---------========== J.D. Falk <> =========---------
  > "When that what now is yet to be has come to pass, |
  > thou shalt realize that thy existance 'tis merely another |
  > building block upon that edifice which we call reality." |
  > --Pink Floyd (paraphrased) |
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