multiple-choice question of the day

No transition plan
Declared victory before the hard part even started
No real long term plan
No realistic estimation of costs
No real support for the folk on the front lines
Victory will be next month

  a - The war in Iraq
  b - DNSsec
  c - IPv6
  d - All of the above

Randy Bush wrote:

No transition plan
Declared victory before the hard part even started
No real long term plan
No realistic estimation of costs
No real support for the folk on the front lines
Victory will be next month

  a - The war in Iraq
  b - DNSsec
  c - IPv6
  d - All of the above

d. But what inspired this question?


and here I thought there were supposed to be no political discussions on
nanog-l :slight_smile:

and here I thought there were supposed to be no political discussions on

    > nanog-l :slight_smile:

What, you want to rule out _all_ discussion of IPv6? :slight_smile:


No transition plan
Declared victory before the hard part even started
No real long term plan
No realistic estimation of costs
No real support for the folk on the front lines
Victory will be next month

  a - The war in Iraq
  b - DNSsec
  c - IPv6

    e - ICANN's fight with RegisterFly

that's not political, that's religious :slight_smile: also against the AUUP I thought

e - Pretty much every technology based business?

We all learned our lessons in 2000-2001, right? Oh, wait....