
For large capacity sites, colo is the only way, with potential self-homing
within two years. It just can't happen faster than that. Also, smaller
providers are out, because of public peering point congestion and that is
usually their only avenue.

As someone else pointed out, us smaller providers often have multiple
connections to tier-1's. In the past, it was likely that your
friendly local ISP had only two tier-1 pipes and your regional had a
big pipe into one of the NAPs. But given the overwhelming market
consolidation of the tier-1's these days, independent regionals are
more likely to have done what we've done: just go out and pay UUNET,
GTE, et al whatever their toll is so we can guarantee high
availability. Even at those high prices, we can still provide better
service than any one of those companies can on its own within our
market (i.e. it's no big deal to UUNET if their Boston PoP goes down
for a few minutes, but it would be if _our_ Boston PoP went down). What
I'm also finding these days is that, with the exception of UUNET, wholesale
pricing is favorable to us.

This business model has, in fact, recently sold well on Wall Street. A
company called InterNAP just went public, and that's what they're doing.

Large providers, with their own private
dark-fiber network, leaving only last-mile traffic to the public Internet,
appears to be the only way to go <sigh>.

I sure hope takes even longer for them to bring up a new
long-haul link than it does for us to upgrade or bring in a new local
circuit to one of the major tier-1's.


Hey rich,

I just cant agree with the last part of this. I am sure in some markets you can bring up a local circuit to a major tier1. But not in all markets. If some medium to large providers have dark fibre and place some of the more advanced optical gear on it (ala Sycamore) you could turn up circuits in minutes using something eccentric like say your Netscape browser. So let's say you have a colo in a great location across town without tier1s in it, but with many other important considerations. If you have your own fibre and run it to the major CO or colo meet me point in town, you could then turnup circuits on the fly as you needed them.

Moving forward there may be some other neat tricks coming down the pipe where it may not even take human intervention to provision that bandwidth on the fly.

You might not only attract some tier1s to the colo for that cheap capacity, but may even be able to work a trade out for the 22 OC48s worth of protected bandwidth on 2 strands. Would these things change your view???

Glass is Freedom,

> For large capacity sites, colo is the only way, with potential self-homing
> within two years. It just can't happen faster than that. Also, smaller
> providers are out, because of public peering point congestion and that is
> usually their only avenue.

As someone else pointed out, us smaller providers often have multiple
connections to tier-1's. In the past, it was likely that your
friendly local ISP had only two tier-1 pipes and your regional had a
big pipe into one of the NAPs. But given the overwhelming market
consolidation of the tier-1's these days, independent regionals are
more likely to have done what we've done: just go out and pay UUNET,
GTE, et al whatever their toll is so we can guarantee high
availability. Even at those high prices, we can still provide better
service than any one of those companies can on its own within our
market (i.e. it's no big deal to UUNET if their Boston PoP goes down
for a few minutes, but it would be if _our_ Boston PoP went down). What
I'm also finding these days is that, with the exception of UUNET, wholesale
pricing is favorable to us.

This business model has, in fact, recently sold well on Wall Street. A
company called InterNAP just went public, and that's what they're doing.

> Large providers, with their own private
> dark-fiber network, leaving only last-mile traffic to the public Internet,
> appears to be the only way to go <sigh>.

I sure hope takes even longer for them to bring up a new
long-haul link than it does for us to upgrade or bring in a new local
circuit to one of the major tier-1's.


Thank you,
David Diaz
Chief Technical Officer
Netrail, Inc

pager: 888-576-1018
NOC: 404-522-1234
Fax: 404 522-2191