Multi-6 [WAS: OT - Vint Cerf joins Google]


I don't think is failing ... On the other way around: looking at the
adoption perspectives and compared with other technologies, transition
stages, and so on, is going much faster than expected ...

About 4 years ago, I predicted that v6 would be very significant 8-10
years from then. I think we're right on track.

As someone else noted, Windows Vista will have v6 enabled by default.
There's also a version-independent network API. As a consequence, most
applications written for Vista will be v6-capable. Vista will ship
next year; 4-5 years after that, most desktops will be running it, and
hence will support v6, including the applications. We're also seeing
planning for conversion (i.e., the U.S. Defense Department) and
deployment in some parts of the world.

An obvious corollary to this is that ISPs should be planning their v6
offerings now, too. This means routers, databases, operation support
systems, CPE for cable and DSL ISPs, etc. Those that don't are likely
to find themselves bypassed.

    --Steven M. Bellovin, Steven M. Bellovin

and ISP's should plan on how to do traffic management/engineering in that
new world (so start poking your head into the current v6 multihoming
'solution' == shim6) , and vendors should plan on performance at the
current level or likely better for bandwidth, pps, route-changes/sec,
routing table size... (listen to your customers who are hopefully saying
this too?)

Oh, and some security thought should probably be had as well... both for
applications/os's and networking equipment.
