MTA Survey

Some of you may recall back in late 2006 we ran an international poll on
MTA's, where over a period of several months and 12 and half thousands
voters later, Sendmail was declared king, followed by Qmail, then Exim
then Postfix, Exchange and some lesser know immaterials ...

Well folks we have wiped the ol one clean and asking for votes again as
alot may have changed in nearly 2 years, If you want to case your vote,
feel free to at

All the best.

Noel Butler wrote:

Some of you may recall back in late 2006 we ran an international poll on
MTA's, where over a period of several months and 12 and half thousands
voters later, Sendmail was declared king, followed by Qmail, then Exim
then Postfix, Exchange and some lesser know immaterials ...

Your survey has a gaping flaw I'm afraid. For example, 100 nameless
people click on the Sendmail button because it came free with FreeBSD,
versus those of us who have fleets numbering the thousands of Exim
servers and he only gets to vote once. Oh dear...


Or the highly likely scenario that the primary gateway accessible to the
survey tool is some load balanced SPAM filtering cluster, and not the
MTA in use as final delivery.

Tomas L. Byrnes wrote:

Or the highly likely scenario that the primary gateway accessible to the
survey tool is some load balanced SPAM filtering cluster, and not the
MTA in use as final delivery.

Good point, real MTA in front of Excange is extremely common..

My spam filters seem to have eaten most posts in this thread :slight_smile:

I have always believed in real humans casting votes for what they
favour, in place of some bot that scans mail servers and can return
stupid results like PIX etc which obviously is not the mail server, sure
this could also be sent to exim/postfix etc mailing lists and see them
all pop over to it, and I read via the archives someone posted about
the OS base install, well, if thats what they left installed and using
it, then why should their vote not count? The fact some of us might have
100's of mail servers, doesn't mean much at all, for instance, DMail,
there might be 500 ISP's using it, they might have 50,000 DMail servers
between them, this means little, as ultimately one person, somewhere in
that organisation, decided DMail would be used in those 500 cases, be it
for personal or functionality reasons, the fact 1 million corporate,
Govt, and SOHO's decide to use Sendmail and Exim, means they each
deserve 1 million votes, as 1 million people ultimately decided that's
the MTA they would use, and I doubt those that are 'clueless' and just
use it for sake of using it because it was installed, wouldn't give a
rats about going to some poll anyway.

Cheers :slight_smile: