More on video

Just did a story on this yesterday...

'Net braces for Clinton testimony

By Sandra Gittlen
Network World Fusion, 9/17/98

In London, the BBC's online venture is also gearing up. BBC Online has
capacity for 20,000 concurrent videostreams, said marketing editor
Keith Roberts.

Err, 10K license but that doesn't g'tee there's enough b/w for it.
If it was a 28K stream that'd be 280M, we have around 145M total
for this. If it was just a 5K speech service it'd be nicer.

Speaking to a number of ISP & large users the other week there
were conflicting opinions on this:

ISP - Multicast doesn't scale, will cost too much to roll out,
        doesn't have an obvious pricing model and so on so we're
        not going to do it. Plus b/w will be so cheap it we won't care
        (assumes the Telcos pass on that low cost)

Users - this is crazy, we should have multicast we can't keep
        burning so much b/w sending the same packets down the
        same wires

The BBC has some experience with this sort of massive
demand. Last August, the still nascent BBC Web effort was hard hit by
mourners seeking footage of Princess Diana. Although the site did not
crash, it did slow down, Roberts said.

Yeah but I cheated and had 8 ISP's, RealNetwork & AOL
help out by rebroadcasting our stream.

The BBC hosts its own RealPlayer video and audio servers separate from
the main site's Web servers. "That way, if there is enormous pressure
for video and audio, the Web servers for the site will not be
affected," he said.

True the News web servers are on a seperate link but the Real servers
share with other services...
