More news coverage

Associated Press at

I am talking with the reporter, Ted Bridis. Associated Press reporters are under about as tough a deadline as TV, so it's a good fast first pass.

I think the thing which needs to be gotten across to the general
public (and the decision makers) is the SiteFinder service itself
was NOT shut down. The redirection to the SiteFinder service was
what was shut down. This was done because this redirection is
believed to have adverse side effects. The way things are being
painted it seems that the SiteFinder service was turned off and
there is nothing further from the truth.

ken emery

But isn't the "SiteFinder service" just VeriSign Marketing's name for the
wildcard A record? What's the point of the search engine at (which appears to be down) without the wildcard A
record directing stuff to it?


they could try to get some legitimate traffic as , say, google or yahoo do
by providing a valuable service. if it is as valuable as they claim, users
will keep coming back.


But for most endusers who are using IE, they already get the MS search page?
And who is actually going to manually go to sitefinder and type in their
typoed URLs, especially when they're already used to Google or similar?

The service's "value", if any (and that's a very big if), depends on it
being automatic...


they could try to get some legitimate traffic as , say, google or yahoo do
  by providing a valuable service. if it is as valuable as they claim, users
  will keep coming back.


Apparently even Verisign doesn't think it's a very valuable or
legitimate service- they pulled the plug yesterday, at around 13:00

It's a shame, they finally got their page load times down to the
sub-ten-second range, too.

gg verisign!
   Flowers on the razor wire/I know you're here/We are few/And far
   between/I was thinking about her skin/Love is a many splintered
   thing/Don't be afraid now/Just walk on in. #include <disclaim.h>

: But for most endusers who are using IE, they already get the MS search page?
: And who is actually going to manually go to sitefinder and type in their
: typoed URLs, especially when they're already used to Google or similar?
: The service's "value", if any (and that's a very big if), depends on it
: being automatic...

If your company wants to advertise during the SuperBowl, but your
competitor has bought up all the available advertising slots, is the
correct response to set up your own transmitter to jam the signal? Even if
MS has an unfair competitive advantage, what VeriSign did is not an
appropriate or technically feasible response.
