More hardware design (was Re: GigaRouter)

> Yes, look in computer shopper. There are some short rack-mount PCs.
> I'm trying to get pricing on them now. And Crystal makes dream rackmounts;
> 4 across, 8 down in a 7' x 19" rack. But I suspect they're hideously
> expensive. They use passive backplanes :frowning:

We use rack-mount PC case from Intergrand, they are $300 with a 250 watt
power supply.

Are they the short ones - about 5.25" or so in height?

> They refused to even give me a price on just "how much for the case,
> power supply, backplane, and processor card w/ no cpu or memory"?
> I explained that we had to decide on a standard now for colo customers,
> that people walk in with 3' high tower cases and we go "nonononono".
> (Those that don't accept our advise and get Suns).

Ya, we try to get all our colos to use the Intergrand box, we sell them at
cost just to keep it nice and neat.

Nathan Stratton CEO, NetRail, Inc. Tracking the future today!
